IMDB: 4.5
DURACIÓN: 2h 05m
AÑO: 1955
M. Léon
Georges Faust
L'homme austère
The man from the hotel
Dr. Faust
6.6 | 1954
8.2 | 2018
8.4 | 2014
8.1 | 2019
8.4 | 1999
8.0 | 2013
7.8 | 2019
7.9 | 2001
8.2 | 1980
8.1 | 2017
7.2 | 2019
8.7 | 1972
8.0 | 2018
7.6 | 2016
7.4 | 2016
7.0 | 2017
8.1 | 1964
8.2 | 2000
6.4 | 2018
8.2 | 1958