IMDB: 7.1
DURACIÓN: 2h 12m
AÑO: 2020
Una película futurista sobre una crisis cercana al borde de la guerra luego de que tres líderes sean secuestrados por un submarino nuclear norcoreano en un golpe de estado durante una cumbre entre las dos Coreas y Estados Unidos.
Han Gyeong-jae
Park Jin-woo
Jo Seon-sa
William Smoot
Jang Gi-seok
Park Cheol-woo
First lady
Prime minister
Li Hongzhang
Minister of People's Armed Forces
Director of National Security Office
Minister of National Defense
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mori Shinzo
Vice President
White House Chief of Staff
Secretary of Defense
South korean navy
NSC Member
White House staff
Senior Assistant for East Asian Affairs
U.S. Security Team
North korean navy
North korean officer
US reporter Jennifer
North kroean general
Patrol pilot
Ioto Hideko
Secret Service Agent
Russian officer
North korean general
8.2 | 2018
7.7 | 2007
7.8 | 2013
7.1 | 2017
5.1 | 2001
5.7 | 2020
5.5 | 2020
6.7 | 2022
6.4 | 1970
6.3 | 2006
6.3 | 2008
7.5 | 2014
7.8 | 2017
7.2 | 2017
8.5 | 2016
7.7 | 2022
7.0 | 2022
6.8 | 2018
6.9 | 2015
7.8 | 2019
6.5 | 2000
5.5 | 1928
6.5 | 1964
6.4 | 1958
6.0 | 2001
6.4 | 1966
7.8 | 1969
7.8 | 1964
8.1 | 1981
6.3 | 2014
7.7 | 2024
6.6 | 1997
7.0 | 1970
7.9 | 1959
6.8 | 1977
6.5 | 1981
5.9 | 1954
7.1 | 1943
6.1 | 1954
6.2 | 2004