IMDB: 0.0
DURACIÓN: 2h 22m
AÑO: 2004
Kate Pinkerton
Goro, a matchmaker
Cio-Cio-san (Madama Butterfly)
Suzuki, her maid
B. F. Pinkerton, Lieutenant in the United States Navy
Sharpless, United States consul at Nagasaki
The Bonze, Cio-Cio-san's uncle
Prince Yamadori
The Imperial Commissioner
The Official Registrar
Cio-Cio-san's mother
The cousin
0.0 | 1992
0.0 | 2013
8.0 | 1968
4.9 | 1953
8.0 | 2011
8.0 | 2012
0.0 | 1973
8.0 | 1990
7.5 | 1990
0.0 | 2016
0.0 | 2005
10.0 | 2023
0.0 | 2014
6.0 | 2020
8.7 | 1988
0.0 | 2022
9.5 | 2016
7.0 | 2015