IMDB: 4.3
AÑO: 2004
Girodot, the notary
Ernest Tafardel, schoolteacher and deputy mayor
Baroness Alphonsine de Courtebiche
Barthélémy Piéchut, the mayor
6.7 | 1982
5.9 | 1999
7.2 | 1985
6.2 | 1988
8.5 | 2014
8.4 | 1980
6.4 | 2011
8.4 | 2001
8.5 | 2019
6.1 | 2017
7.8 | 2015
8.2 | 1977
7.9 | 1983
7.6 | 2015
7.5 | 2024
7.6 | 2017
6.5 | 2013
6.2 | 1985
8.4 | 1999
7.9 | 2014