IMDB: 6.8
DURACIÓN: 1h 29m
AÑO: 2023
En un pueblo francés, un hombre de 60 años, de carácter irascible, decide ir a la escuela para aprender por fin a leer y escribir, y una joven y atareada profesora se encarga de enseñarle.
Emile Menoux
Alice Le Guennic, teacher and mayor
Saturnin, municipal councilor
Claudine Le Guennic, mother of Alice and Pauline
Pauline, Alice's sister
Owner of the bakery-bar
Mr. Leclerc
Mrs. Leclerc
Mrs. Loisel, widow
Mr. Lochet, inspector of the rectorate
Lorène, divorced
Mr. Bienvenut
Mrs. Bienvenut
Rudy, Pauline's husband
Daphné (child)
Adrien (child)
Tifaine (child)
Soën (child)
Marie (child)
Eliot (child)
Lila (child)
Another child in the class
Jacques Bothorel
"Old" mayor
Mayor of Kérimard
Mayor of Rosqueriec
President of the Community of Communes
Aline Le Guluche
Jean-René Mahé
Gendarmerie warrant officer
Director of the Gouarrec school
6.0 | 2022
6.8 | 2023
7.5 | 2023
6.3 | 2023
6.7 | 1995
6.4 | 2023
5.6 | 2023
7.3 | 1981
6.1 | 2016
5.3 | 2024
6.7 | 2023
6.9 | 1970
6.6 | 2023
6.5 | 2017
5.9 | 2023
7.1 | 2014
7.4 | 2024
5.7 | 1998